Covensky started writing Hebrew poetry in 1981, publishing her first poem "Small Blessings" (Hebrew: "Al Hassadim Ktanim") in Bitzaron, a distinguished literary journal issued by New York University, in 1982. She has published to date 36 poetry books. Her numerous individual poems have been published in Israel, Canada, and in the United States.
Poetry Readings & Musical Interludes

Portrait Of A Poet Book Trailer

חני דינור - ניגון

Edith Covensky's Poems


Professor Yair Mazor
"Your poetry possesses and displays appealing aesthetic characteristics, merged with an ideological bedrock of significant substance."
Professor Michael Giordano
"Your poetry makes our lives much more appreciative of those intangible wonders that give us a feeling of depth, dimension, innovation, infinity, and a rare distilled crystal moment of seeing the world anew."
Writer & Poet Seymour Mayne
"Your poems very much remind me of the work of the great Yiddish lyricist, Rachel Korn, who also inhabited the universe of her verse."
Israeli Poet, Yaara Ben David
"The poems in 'Portrait of a Poet', bring forth a poetic profile molded by love, time, poetics, solitude, longing, silence vision, and words. " I speak to myself like to God" signifies the poet's life within words in different states of mind."